Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Yearbook Devin

Ok, so the Yearbook Yourself thing has really taken off! I've been looking at other people's blogs and have COMPLETELY cracked up at some of the pictures. Some have even taken to uploading their kids' pictures. Again, since I do not have an original thought in my head, I have unabashedly copied their ideas! Thanks Rae & Emilee!

Here's Devin in 1960. Notice the wispy bangs. And the two teeth. My kid is making a statement. He kind of looks like Drew Carey...

This photo is from 1962. Again, we see the wispy bangs. This look will be coming back with a vengeance in 10 years.

Here, he's showing us his wild side. My kid can hang with the best of them. He's groovy, man. This is 1982.

Last, but not least, check out 1986. I've also attached a photo of me in the same year. I'm the one with the most teeth. I can see where you'd get confused due to the uncanny mother/son resemblance. I was not aware that men and women shared the exact same hairstyles in 1986. There must have been an overabundance of Jheri Curl stock that year. Who knew?


Rae said...

Ha ha! I love these!!

Kim said...

Ha! Thanks Rae! :)