Saturday, May 24, 2008

Devin's First Haircut

So, today Mike and I took Devin to Vic's Barber shop for his first haircut. It's been a long time coming, but part of me wanted to wait until Devin turned one year old. Well, I could't wait any longer. Today was the day. Maybe it's the pregnancy hormones that are making me a little emotional, but, I have to say that my little baby is turning into a little boy. And that's making me so sad! Where has this year gone??!?! But I digress. Here are some before, during and after pictures of the big event.



Sunday, May 18, 2008

First Birthday

So, we're in the midst of planning Devin's birthday party. I've been struggling with this because, while I know that first birthdays are a big deal, I've got absolutely no desire to plan a party. For one thing, my house is tiny. Assuming the weather is good, we'll have the party outdoors. We do have a huge yard. But what if it rains? What then? My friend Deb said to put a rain date on the invitation, which I considered, but we really don't have any free weekends in June, so I don't think that will work.
In any event, the party is planned for Sunday, June 8th. The "invitation" is the picture on the right. What is being sent out is a better version, but I don't have the jpg on this laptop. As much as I'd like to take credit for being so creative, I really can't. A wonderful lady on BBC did the same for her son and I unabashedly copied hers. (Thanks Sandy!!)
We're planning on either renting or buying a jumpy house to entertain the kids that will be there. While that's an expense I didn't want to pay, I think it'll be our saving grace.
We'll have a barbecue with burgers, dogs & sausages. And, we're inviting immediate family & friends. I'm sure it'll all work out well, I guess I'm just apprehensive because of the fact that it could rain. I guess I can't dwell on that.
As the French say, que sera, sera.

My Little Baby is Growing Up!!

Devin turned 11 months on Friday, May 16th. I can't believe how quickly this year has flown. In less than one month he's going to be 1! It makes me sad because my little baby is turning into a boy.

Ok, little baby. Don't grow up too fast. I love you, little man.


We're having a baby!! I still can't believe it myself. But, it's not like we're surprised. We've been trying. I guess it's still shocking to "see" it say "PREGNANT". Here's the story.

On Friday, May 16th, there were a few of us on the message board "Trying to Conceive" on BabyCenter who were going to "POAS" (pee on a stick) to see if we were pregnant. I had one leftover Clearblue Easy test left, so my plan was to pee first thing in the morning and post my message saying if I was pregnant or not pregnant. So, after waiting the few minutes for the test to complete, the stupid thing went BLANK! I was so pissed!! I had to run to CVS during my lunch hour to get some more tests. The CVS digital brand was on sale, buy two get one free, so I have 3 packs (which equals 6 tests.)

I got home from work that night and took my test. It said "PREGNANT". OMG. I can't believe it! Mike was home and I showed the test to him. HE couldn't believe it either!!! But, we still wanted to take another test, so I waited until Saturday morning.

Yup, still pregnant!

Anyway, the due date is January 25th and I'm calling the doctor's office tomorrow to make my first appointment. Needless to say, we're both so excited!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Today was my first Mother's Day! It was a very nice day. I slept in, which, for me, didn't mean anything. I wake up when Devin wakes up and I usually can't fall back to sleep. But I did get to watch old reruns of Beverly Hills 90210 for 3 hours, so that was pretty cool! AND, I blew off the gym!

We visited my Mom and Dad for a bit, saw Greg and gave him his birthday present and then we went to dinner with Mike's Mom, Lennie and Mike's grandfather. I had filet mignon and lobster pie. YUM! Then we went back to Mike's grandfather's and we had birthday cake for me! We also took the baby for a nice walk to the park down the street and got some really great pictures of him on the swing!

All in all, it was a great day. It just makes me think back to last year this time. I was 9 months pregnant and nervous of what was to soon be my future. Now, a year later, I can't believe how big and grown up Devin's getting! He's turning into a little boy right before my very eyes. Man, I hope we get pregnant soon. I'm not ready for my little baby to be a little boy!