Sunday, October 12, 2008

Apple Picking

Today we went apple picking with some friends of mine and their kids. We had an awesome day. The weather was perfect and fun was had by all. Here are some pictures and videos of Devin, who doesn't quite grasp the concept of apple picking. Please don't mind my squeaky voice. That's not how I really talk. I need to stop using my "baby voice" when I'm shooting these little videos!! Ugh! I sound like a total loser!

Friday, October 10, 2008

I Beat the Rush

So, you may recall an earlier post when I professed my love for Target. My whole plan was to go to the "Grand Opening" on Sunday, October 12th, when it was supposed to open. Well, I heard from a friend of mine that she thought it was open because she saw people in the store the other day. I decided to take a ride over there tonight to see if they were really and truly open. THEY WERE!! Ohmigod I'm so excited!

I went to town.

I bought so many baby girl outfits that this child is never going to run out of clean clothes. I may never have to do laundry again. I also bought some maternity tops, a DVD of my FAVORITE MOVIE "Love Actually" for $7.50, a couple of girlie books by Emily Giffin & Sophie Kinsella's pseudonym Madeleine Wickham, and other household necessities.

And the best part?

There was virtually nobody in the store. Just me and a whole bunch of Target associates. I was in my glory. No lines. No pushing. No fighting the sales racks. Just a nice, comfortable shopping experience.

It was the best Friday night I've had in a very long time.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Panic Mode

I had a rude awakening the other day of what it would be like when the baby got here. I was babysitting my friend's 6 month old son while she was at work and you'd think I was never around a baby before! It's only been nine months since Devin was 6 months old! I did OK, don't get me wrong, but it wasn't with that ease and confidence of when Devin was his age. For one, the whole bottle feeding thing? Yeah, I don't miss that at all. Especially since he couldn't hold it himself. Wow, it's amazing how much you take for granted! My mind brought me 6 months in the future when I'd be getting two kids ready and out the door by 7am. How will I do this? When you're used to just plopping the kid down with a banana, his sippy cup and letting him feed himself how do you go back to making the formula, or pumping, and holding the bottle, burping, getting up at all hours of the night for feedings and diaper changes!??!

Wow, reality is definitely starting to hit me. There's going to be a tiny baby here in 3 months. I think I need to start getting ready.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I have absolutely nothing to blog about. Here are some things that I could talk about, but I'm too lazy to elaborate on them:

* I got Devin's Halloween Monkey costume in the mail today. After a very unsuccessful attempt at putting it on him to see if it fits, I'm ready to return it to the store. I don't have the energy to wrestle with a toddler.

* It's beginning to get busy at work and I'm starting to freak out that I won't have enough time to finish everything by the deadlines.

* My 401(k) is losing money faster than a speeding bullet. It's very depressing to see how fast money disappears.

* I used to be witty. But it seems that I've lost that ability. I want it back!

* I miss improv. I was good at it. I'm a teensy bit jealous of those who are on SNL. I bet I could have done that if I started much much earlier!

* I have a feeling I'm not going to get Mike to agree on any of the girl names I'm thinking about.

I think that's all I've got on my mind. Thanks for reading!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Devin's 15 Month Appointment

Rae posted Sammy's 15 month stats in her blog and it seemed like a very good idea to post Devin's info too! Devin had his 15 month appointment on Wednesday and he's measuring 32.5 inches (90th percentile) and 25.4 lbs. (50th percentile). He had two shots, which upset him, but he was back to his old self within a few minutes.

He doesn't have many words yet, but the doctor isn't that concerned at this point.

It was a good visit and he's a good boy! But, I'm biased, I'm his Mommy!

Thank you, Rae, for reminding me to do this!

Ultrasound, Round Two...

It's a...


You have no idea how excited I am. None. I started crying when the doctor told me I was carrying a little girl. I am in shock. I still can't believe it and it's been almost 12 hours. Wow. Just wow.

Oh, and the whole point of having the ultrasound was to see if my fibroids have grown or shrunk. Well, the doctor couldn't find any fibroids. So, the mystery pain I was experiencing last week will have to remain a mystery.

My daughter and I will just have to suffer through it. Hee hee.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

23 Week Appointment

Today at my 23 week appointment, I discussed with my doctor what could be the possible reasons for the pain I experienced last week. As you know, at the hospital, my midwife assumed that fibroids were the cause of that pain.

Well, my doctor's not so sure. He thinks they're too small to be causing so much pain. He mentioned gastritis. Hmm. Maybe. But for 6 days? Then he mentioned my gall bladder, because that another factor for me being "of advanced maternal age". Could be. He told me to make note of what I'm eating if the pain flares up again, since it was happening after I ate.

So, bottom line? We're going to rule out the fibroids by my having an ultrasound tomorrow to see if there's been any change in the size of them. Oh, and the best part? I'm going to ask the technician to take a peek between the baby's legs and tell me what I'm having!! (Baby, please cooperate!)

Unfortunately, the doctor still didn't have his January calendar so we couldn't schedule my c-secttion. But, I did get a good listen to the heartbeat that was nice and strong in the 140's.

All in all, a good visit! I'll let you know how my ultrasound goes tomorrow!


Devin's with my friend Trisha because my daycare provider, Susan, is on vacation this week. So, I've had to take a different train, go a different route and, in the midst of all this, I had to juggle 3 doctors appointments this week.

Now, you may recall from an earlier post that I had gone to the hospital last week for what I thought were Braxton Hicks contractions. It turns out that it was probably pain from the fibroids they discovered on my uterus when Devin was born.
In any event, I had my O/B appointment scheduled this morning, so I really really wanted to get my doctor's opinion on what he thought was causing the pain. I also wanted to get my c-section scheduled. Well, I got a call from his office yesterday that they had to move my 10am appointment because he had a meeting at that time. NO!!!! You can't do this to me! I need to talk to him. Well, they had an opening at 8:20am. Well, guess what? I had a dentist appointment at 8:45am.

I had to choose one or the other.

I obviously chose the doctor.

So, I called the dentist's office to tell them my dilemma (and to avoid having to pay a fee because I was cancelling sooner than 24 hours in advance.) And lo and behold, they had a cancellation and they could fit me in at 11:45am. HOORAY! I'll take it!

So, it's all working out swell. The only thing I need to do is leave my house early since the commuter train I needed to take was at 7:30am and I just wouldn't get there in time if I left at my normal 7am.

So I left at 6:40am. And guess what I hit? RIIIIGHTTT. Traffic. Lovely lovely traffic. Have I ever mentioned how MUCH I LOATE traffic?

Anything that could go wrong, did go wrong.

There was bumper to bumper traffic on the two highways that I drive on to get to Trisha's. There was traffic on the road getting off the highway.

I got stuck behind a schoolbus.

I hit a bunch of traffic lights.

I call Trisha, crying, letting her know that I'm just down the street from her house and can she meet me outside so I can do the kid transfer as fast as possible, because I'm still determined to catch that train.

I get to Trisha's house at 7:27. Right, the train is at 7:30. And I still need to drive to the train station which is a few blocks up from Trisha's house.

I am bombing down the street that the station is on and I see the train moving. OMG. Is it pulling in to the station or leaving the station? I don't care. I keep driving. I'm trying to cross the street so I can get into the parking lot and there are cars on either side of me. LET ME GO!!! I have to wait.

I get into the parking lot, park my car at the first available spot, throw the car into Park, grab my work bag and my coffee and start sprinting to the train.

I MADE IT BY A MATTER OF SECONDS. I swear, someone was on my side. Someone was looking out for me. I know it's stupid to be getting so worked up over a train ride into the city, but after all the scheduling and rescheduling I had to do for these appointments, I didn't want it all to come to an abrupt halt because I missed a damn train.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Where's the Baby?

Here's a little game that Devin and I play...

Ok, You asked...

So, here are some belly shots I took tonight. I'm 23 weeks pregnant (I think) and based on yesterday's post, my co-worker says I'm having a boy based on the way I'm carrying.

What do you think?