Friday, November 28, 2008

Baby to Be

So, I feel kind of bad that I haven't really posted much on the baby I'm growing. I'm not sure what to write other than:

* She kicks NON-STOP. And I absolutely love it.
* I'm carrying MUCH differently this time. As in, I'm not as fat as I was when I was pregnant with Devin. I actually don't mind how I look.
* My c-section is scheduled for January 23rd at 9:30AM
* We haven't decided on a name, but I have. I really want to name her Brynne or Brynn or Bryn. I'm still unsure of the spelling, but, I'm sure of the name. Oh, and her middle name will be Eleanor, which was Mike's grandmother's name.
* At my appointments, everything is checking out fine. My blood pressure is low, my glucose was fine, I'm still working out. In a word, perfect.

So, in a nutshell, that's pretty much it. I'm 32 weeks tomorrow and all is well. And I couldn't be happier!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

New Addiction

The reason I haven't been blogging is simple.


This is the single most time wasting, addictive website I've ever had the displeasure to come across. Yet, I can't stop myself from visiting it. Almost everyday. And downloading and/or sending stupid things such as:

* Snowballs for a snowball fight
* Christmas stockings
* Poking and Superpoking various friends
* Setting up my Green Patch and adding flowers and things to it
* Some blue cove fish thing
* Sending and receiving knockout drinks
* Getting kidnapped by various friends
* Sending and receiving "Flair"
* Being a part of various sports team "waves"
* Playing games
* Sending and receiving 80's toys
* Accepting challenges from friends on various games and quizzes
* Sending and receiving shoes, purses, and other things that girls like
* and many, many more mindless downloads

Now, if you are familiar with Facebook, then you know that you have "Notifications" on the upper right corner of your profile page. Well, if you don't check and do something with your notifications, they build and multiply and, before you know it, you've got 70 notifications. And, if you're like me, you can't stand having any 'unfinished business', so you go through these stupid notifications and accept and/or ignore them. Until there are none left. Phew. You've cleaned up. Until the next time that you log into Facebook.

The upside of Facebook is seeing people that you haven't seen in years. Honestly, I just 'friended' 3 people that I haven't talked to in years. In one case, I think it was close to 10+ years that I had last talked to this person. It's amazing how you can get caught up with people just by reading their profile page.

As much fun as it is to catch up with all these long lost friends, I do feel that I'm wasting valuable time and I'm losing a bunch of brain cells by visiting this site on a daily basis. I think my time would be better spent by putting my thoughts down in my blog. So, I'll try. But, I can't promise anything. I might have a snowball fight or a drink I need to send to someone.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


So, today I bumped into some old co-workers from my event planning days and it made me realize how friggin' miserable I was when I was working there. I didn't realize it at the time, but now that I'm in my current job, I realize how much more I'm valued and appreciated. And, knowing how lucky I am to have made it through the company layoffs this week, it makes me that much more thankful to be working where I am. I doubt I would have survived the layoff if I was still in the event planning job. Sometimes I wonder if the Big Guy in the Sky just knows these things and puts us where we need to be without us understanding why. Who knows? All I can say is thanks, Big Guy.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

Last night we took Devin out trick or treating. It was his first time, but he did very well. Well, he took 3 or 4 pieces of candy at a time, which means he's definitely my son! HA! I wasn't entirely sure what he would be going as, so Susan sent me pictures of his two costumes via email and I was able to decide what he would be that way. Here are the two costumes. He ended up going out as Dumbo! So cute.

Mini Vacation with Jill

Here are some pictures of my trip to Amelia Island, Florida. Jill and I met up in Jacksonville on October 17th and drove to Amelia Island for a 4 day getaway. As much as we wanted to sink our toes in the sand, the weather didn't cooperate as nicely as we would have liked. However, we were able to shop a ton and eat to our heart's content. It was so great to see her and spend a few days with her without our hubbies or our kiddies. However, they were greatly missed.

Where've Ya Been?

Ok, I admit it's been a while since I last posted. BUT, I do have a good excuse. I've been very busy, and I've been sick and I've just had a lot to do! Here's a brief synopsis of the past few weeks:
* I had another stupid cold which knocked me out. I ended up getting a flu shot because, at the rate I'm going, I'd probably get the flu this season, so I didn't want to take any chances.
* We took Devin out for trick or treating. OMG. He was so cute. I had two costumes for him, but didn't decide until Halloween which costume he would wear. Susan actually dressed him in both and emailed me pictures so I could pick what he'd wear. Dumbo won hands down. I'll post pictures in another post.
* I went on a mini vacation with my very good friend Jill! I haven't seen her in 3 years, so this was a much needed getaway.
* I'm 28 weeks pregnant and I'm feeling this baby kick ALL the time, much more than Devin kicked (at least, from what I remember.) I should know the date of my c-section in a couple of weeks.

Other that that, things are pretty much the same.