Saturday, November 1, 2008

Where've Ya Been?

Ok, I admit it's been a while since I last posted. BUT, I do have a good excuse. I've been very busy, and I've been sick and I've just had a lot to do! Here's a brief synopsis of the past few weeks:
* I had another stupid cold which knocked me out. I ended up getting a flu shot because, at the rate I'm going, I'd probably get the flu this season, so I didn't want to take any chances.
* We took Devin out for trick or treating. OMG. He was so cute. I had two costumes for him, but didn't decide until Halloween which costume he would wear. Susan actually dressed him in both and emailed me pictures so I could pick what he'd wear. Dumbo won hands down. I'll post pictures in another post.
* I went on a mini vacation with my very good friend Jill! I haven't seen her in 3 years, so this was a much needed getaway.
* I'm 28 weeks pregnant and I'm feeling this baby kick ALL the time, much more than Devin kicked (at least, from what I remember.) I should know the date of my c-section in a couple of weeks.

Other that that, things are pretty much the same.

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