Sunday, March 8, 2009

Addendum to the "I'm Such an Idiot" Post

I thought I'd follow up with some additional information regarding my previous post.

1. I burned my right thumb the next day when I toasted an english muffin due to residual chocolate fudge topping that was stuck in the toaster.
2. I actually have 10 blisters on my left hand, not 7 as originally thought.
3. There's a setting on my toaster for "Pastry" that I never noticed before. I'm pretty sure that's why I burned myself so many times... This leads me to my final thought:
4. The title of my previous post "I'm such an idiot" is definitely apropos.

Friday, March 6, 2009

I'm Such an Idiot

So yesterday, I made myself a pop tart...well, to clarify, I made myself a Fiber One toaster pastry. Chocolate fudge in case you were wondering. And yes, it's on the Weight Watchers plan and is 3 points. But I digress. So, when I retrieved said pastry from the toaster, I managed to mishandle the pastry and ended up burning my right middle finger on the chocolate fudge that was on top of the pastry. Who knew that those things could get so hot?? I was so mad. And now the finger is blistered. I had a mind to write to Fiber One and sue them. But everybody sues and it just wouldn't be worth all the paperwork.

So today, knowing what happened to me yesterday, I made sure that I was careful when handling the pastry when it popped from the toaster. I had a paper towel handy. Bounty in case you were wondering. And I was ready to wrap the paper towel around the pastry so that I could gently lift it from the toaster. My plan was perfect. The execution was not.

The pastry popped. I had the paper towel in my right hand ready to lift it out of the toaster. However, I dropped the pastry. Guess where it landed? Bingo. Chocolate fudge side down on my left hand. OOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEE!!!! The chocolate fudge came off the pastry and was stuck to my hand. I couldn't get it off!! I ran to the sink to brush off the fudge and to feel the ice cold water cool off the inferno that was my hand. Omigod. Pain. Pain. Pain. I looked down and noticed, not one, not two, but 7 blisters on my left hand. Omigod. It killed. It still kills.

My question is this. When in the hell will I stop being such an idiot? When? I'm waiting. I was so careful. I really was. I just don't understand what went wrong. To quote the famous figure skater Nancy Kerrigan: "WHY!?!??!?! WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!????"

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Shannon update

I don't think I've really written much about Shannon. At almost 6 weeks old, she is the BEST baby. And I'm not just saying that. She sleeps through the night. She slept through the night pretty much right from the get go, but I would wake her up to feed her. Eventually, I extended the sleep times a little more and more so that we now go to bed between 10:30-11:30 and I wake her up to eat between 5:30 and 6:00AM. And I could probably go longer, but I don't think "the girls" could handle it!

She rarely cries except for when she's hungry and VERY wet. I mean, her diaper needs to have a blow out which is on her skin, otherwise she's fine.

She's started to smile and it melts my heart. They're few and far between, but when they make an appearance, it's just awesome.

I don't know what I did to deserve such a good baby. Does this mean that the teenage years will be my cross to bear?

About me...

So, I joined Weight Watchers last Tuesday to try to get rid of the baby weight and then some. I had a pretty good week and managed to lose 3 pounds! Not too shabby! If I could, I'd like to get down to my goal weight, which is many many pounds away. But, I am motivated and I know I can do this. And once I go to my OB/GYN for my 6 week postpartum checkup and get the all clear to exercise again, you can best believe that I will be heading to the gym for my Step, kickboxing and funky aerobics classes. I'm excited to be back in control again. This is good for me. I want to be thin again. I miss the old me.

Four Generations

Last week my mother and I took Shannon to meet my 97 year old grandmother. It was four generations of women together for the first time. Very cool.