Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I Have a Cute Baby

Ok, is it me or is my son not the cutest thing ever? I know I'm biased, I'm his mother. It's my duty to dote on him and to call him cute and adorable and kiss those big, chubby cheeks all day long. What else am I supposed to do? But seriously. I look at this kid and I'm like "Wow. He's so freaking cute! I can't believe I MADE that!" Don't get me wrong, other people say he's cute too, but do they really think he's as cute as I do? Probably not. But, you know what? He's MY cutie patootie and I don't care what anyone else says.

I know he's cute. Will you just LOOK at that face?

Monday, February 18, 2008

At Nana's House

So, Devin is with Nana Maureen for the next couple of days. She is a teacher's aide and is off for February school vacation. She volunteered to take Devin for a couple of days. Sweet!

Because I'm a LOSER when it comes to anyone visiting the house, I spent a good part of the morning/early afternoon cleaning the house like a crazy person. I just have this fear that my mother-in-law isn't going to think that I can "keep house". (Well, I really can't. I freaking HATE cleaning, but that's another story for another day.) By the time she arrived, the bathroom was cleaned, the living room was looking good, and Devin's room was somewhat acceptable. Everything was passable except for me. I hadn't showered, my hair was a mess and my face was devoid of anything resembling makeup. Eh, whatever. I can only do what I can do.

So, once Devin drove off with Nana Maureen & Grandpa Lennie, Mike and I began our day. The house was so quiet. It was kind of eerie. No sounds. Just us. Weird. Anywho, we did our food shopping, made our weekly BJ's run and I went to the gym. Then we enjoyed a nice dinner out at Smokey Bones. It was great.

Well, as I write this, the house is empty. Mike and I are sitting in the living room watching the news. It's so quiet. Even though at this time of night Devin would be sleeping, it's still very quiet. It's weird. I'm not sure I like it. I mean, don't get me wrong, I get to sleep in later tomorrow, I can work late if I want to, the world is basically my oyster. But I have to admit, I think I'd rather trade all that in for a smoochie from my sweetie pie. I miss him something awful!

Can't wait till Wednesday!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Blowing Chunks

Ok, so Devin's been sick for the past two weeks or so. It's nothing serious, just a cold and ear infection. But, he's been having these coughing fits that turn into vomit sessions. FUN! And it seems that each time he's having one of his coughing fits, he decides to projectile vomit all over me. DOUBLE FUN!

At first, it freaked me out. He never did this before and I didn't know what to do. I was trying to call the pediatrician while holding onto him. I couldn't get my phone to work (stupid bluetooth!). I decided to just watch him and he seemed fine after a few minutes, so I didn't bother calling the doctor.

The second time it happened, I kind of laughed it off. And quickly changed my top. And cleaned up the kitchen floor.

The third time it happened...Well, this time, I thought I could outstmart him. I've had two previous experiences with these vomiting sessions, so you'd think that I'd be able to figure it out. I assumed I'd be able to see the "oh-my-god-I'm-going-to-puke-right-now" look on Devin's face and be able to maneuver him so that he'd puke in the air --- not on me.

But no.

He managed to puke, not only on my pajama top, but all over my pajama bottoms. And on the living room rug. And on him, just a teeny bit.

I feel confident that I'll be able to avoid the next puke attack. But you know that his coughing is going to stop in the next couple of days and by the time he gets another cold with a cough, I'm going to forget all about my anti-puking tactics.

That just blows. Chunks.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Ok, I'm not a good blogger

So, I started this blog back in July and when was my next entry? Yeah. February. Well, the way I see it is I'm consistently posting once per year. In 20 years, I should have some pretty good reading material. Ha!

Where do I begin??? Well, Devin will be 8 months old on February 16th. I can't believe how fast the time is going. As of his last doctor's visit last Saturday (due to an ear infection), he weighed 20.65 lbs. I'm not quite sure of his height at this time, but he was 29 inches long back at his 6 month appointment.

What big milestones has he reached? Well...he's still not crawling, but he is rolling over onto his belly and is holding himself up with his arms. He's got very strong legs and it seems that he'll be standing on them and moving around soon. We'll see. I, honestly, like being able to plop him down and know that, if I look away, when I turn back, he'll be there. But, we all know that won't last!

What are his favorite toys? Right now, I'd have to say that his Jumperoo is his absolute FAVORITE thing. He goes absolutely crazy in that thing. He could jump for hours, if we let him. Coming in a close second would be the "Sing Along Stage". I think he's going to be a karaoke singer, just like his mother!!

So, I'll try to be better about blogging, but I can't promise anything.