Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Things My Toddler is Doing

So I don't forget them, I wanted to jot a few of the things Devin is doing at 17 months old:

* He LOVES his Elmo doll and will pick it up and hug it. He also says "Hewwo Elmo". It cracks me up. He also associates Elmo with Sesame Street and when Elmo comes on TV, he'll go over to his Elmo dolls and place them in front of him. It's so cool to watch.
* He's very much into climbing. He climbs onto the couch and walks on it; he climbs on top of his riding toys and it scares the ever-living crap out of me. The kid has absolutely no fear at all. He'll look over at me when he's doing this and he has this look of accomplishment on his face. I want to support him for being such a brave boy, but I don't want him to kill himself!!
* He mimics what I say and what Daddy says. For example, when I play "this little piggy..." on his toes, he loves it and he'll copy me when I say "wee wee wee" all the way home. So cute.
* As is the case with most boys, he is into EVERYTHING. It's tough on my "work at home" Mondays because it's me with an eye on my laptop and the other eye on him. He constantly runs back and forth from the living room to the kitchen. He also plays with all of his toys for about 30 seconds before he moves on to the next toy.
* He LOVES to tear his bib off his neck and throw it over the safety gate in the kitchen. He also loves to throw the kitchen towels over the gate too. And plastic bags. And his magnetic fridge letters. Oh, let's just say he loves to throw everything over the safety gate.
* His love of vegetables and bananas seems to have come to an end, much to my chagrin. It could be that he's just asserting his independence or he could just be sick of them. Sometimes he doesn't want to eat anything I give him, regardless of whether or not it's vegetables/fruits. I guess he'll finally eat something when he's hungry, but it makes me sad that he's not that baby that 'eats everything' anymore.
* He loves to stick his finger in my belly button when I ask him "Where's the baby?" He's also taken to feeding the baby by putting his sippy cup in my belly button. Haha! We'll see how he reacts to the 'real' baby in January.

I can't think of anything else at the moment, but it just seems that if I don't write these things down, I'll forget them and I don't want to forget. They grow up so fast as it is and I want to have a recollection of these cute little things he's doing.