Monday, March 31, 2008

Blowin' Chunks, Part Deux

Ok, I just wanted to write that Devin, once again. blew chunks all over his momma (and himself and the kitchen floor). I don't what it is with this kid, but I'm always holding him and it always manages to get all over me. The kid must think I look good in yellow.

Easter & Other Stuff

It's been a few weeks since I last posted, so let me give you a rundown on what's been going on:

  • We had two Easters: one with Mike's family where we had Redbones for dinner! YUM! The other Easter was at my brother Greg's house where there were 13 children and 16 adults. It was delicious and we all had a nice time. I also caught a cold there. Again. I'm so damn sick of being sick!

  • Devin went to see the Easter Bunny and the minute he sat on his lap, he broke out into a huge grin. That's my kid! He's a ham just like his Momma! (See picture)

  • I've lost 23 lbs. so far on Weight Watchers! Go me!

  • Trisha is now the proud Mommy of a baby boy named Liam! She and Mike adopted this beautiful boy and he was placed in their arms on Wednesday, March 26th. He's absolutely beautiful!

  • Devin is crawling crawling crawling. And he's trying to stand up. It's just a matter of time before he's successful.

    That's about it from here. I'll post more soon!

Photo Montage

So, I was lurking on Babycenter and came upon a post where the Mom compiled a "year in review" photo montage of her daughter. It was awesome and brought tears to my eyes. Being an AVID photo taker, I wanted to give it a try myself. You know, if it wasn't for Babycenter, I wouldn't know about half of the media outlets available these days. I don't think it came out half bad, being that it was my first time doing anything like this. Here it is!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Tell Me Why I Don't Like Mondays...

Ok, today is Monday and it's my "work from home" day. I honestly have no idea how people "work from home" with a baby. It's impossible. Maybe I'm just missing something. Now that Devin is 9 months old (or will be this weekend), he's mobile. This means that I am keeping one eye on my laptop and the other on him. Which really means, I'm not getting any work done.

There. I said it. I don't get any work done on Mondays. However, I do get 6 loads of laundry done. And, I get to buy Jimmy Buffet tickets online. And I get to play with my baby.

How long do you think I can keep up this facade of "working from home"? Let's try to keep it a secret...just between us.