Monday, March 10, 2008

Tell Me Why I Don't Like Mondays...

Ok, today is Monday and it's my "work from home" day. I honestly have no idea how people "work from home" with a baby. It's impossible. Maybe I'm just missing something. Now that Devin is 9 months old (or will be this weekend), he's mobile. This means that I am keeping one eye on my laptop and the other on him. Which really means, I'm not getting any work done.

There. I said it. I don't get any work done on Mondays. However, I do get 6 loads of laundry done. And, I get to buy Jimmy Buffet tickets online. And I get to play with my baby.

How long do you think I can keep up this facade of "working from home"? Let's try to keep it a secret...just between us.

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