Sunday, February 17, 2008

Blowing Chunks

Ok, so Devin's been sick for the past two weeks or so. It's nothing serious, just a cold and ear infection. But, he's been having these coughing fits that turn into vomit sessions. FUN! And it seems that each time he's having one of his coughing fits, he decides to projectile vomit all over me. DOUBLE FUN!

At first, it freaked me out. He never did this before and I didn't know what to do. I was trying to call the pediatrician while holding onto him. I couldn't get my phone to work (stupid bluetooth!). I decided to just watch him and he seemed fine after a few minutes, so I didn't bother calling the doctor.

The second time it happened, I kind of laughed it off. And quickly changed my top. And cleaned up the kitchen floor.

The third time it happened...Well, this time, I thought I could outstmart him. I've had two previous experiences with these vomiting sessions, so you'd think that I'd be able to figure it out. I assumed I'd be able to see the "oh-my-god-I'm-going-to-puke-right-now" look on Devin's face and be able to maneuver him so that he'd puke in the air --- not on me.

But no.

He managed to puke, not only on my pajama top, but all over my pajama bottoms. And on the living room rug. And on him, just a teeny bit.

I feel confident that I'll be able to avoid the next puke attack. But you know that his coughing is going to stop in the next couple of days and by the time he gets another cold with a cough, I'm going to forget all about my anti-puking tactics.

That just blows. Chunks.

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