Wednesday, November 26, 2008

New Addiction

The reason I haven't been blogging is simple.


This is the single most time wasting, addictive website I've ever had the displeasure to come across. Yet, I can't stop myself from visiting it. Almost everyday. And downloading and/or sending stupid things such as:

* Snowballs for a snowball fight
* Christmas stockings
* Poking and Superpoking various friends
* Setting up my Green Patch and adding flowers and things to it
* Some blue cove fish thing
* Sending and receiving knockout drinks
* Getting kidnapped by various friends
* Sending and receiving "Flair"
* Being a part of various sports team "waves"
* Playing games
* Sending and receiving 80's toys
* Accepting challenges from friends on various games and quizzes
* Sending and receiving shoes, purses, and other things that girls like
* and many, many more mindless downloads

Now, if you are familiar with Facebook, then you know that you have "Notifications" on the upper right corner of your profile page. Well, if you don't check and do something with your notifications, they build and multiply and, before you know it, you've got 70 notifications. And, if you're like me, you can't stand having any 'unfinished business', so you go through these stupid notifications and accept and/or ignore them. Until there are none left. Phew. You've cleaned up. Until the next time that you log into Facebook.

The upside of Facebook is seeing people that you haven't seen in years. Honestly, I just 'friended' 3 people that I haven't talked to in years. In one case, I think it was close to 10+ years that I had last talked to this person. It's amazing how you can get caught up with people just by reading their profile page.

As much fun as it is to catch up with all these long lost friends, I do feel that I'm wasting valuable time and I'm losing a bunch of brain cells by visiting this site on a daily basis. I think my time would be better spent by putting my thoughts down in my blog. So, I'll try. But, I can't promise anything. I might have a snowball fight or a drink I need to send to someone.


Bridget said...

oh yes, very addicting :)

Jackie said...

Kim - I just joined to. Find me - Jackie Vanderwoude... and I'll add you as a friend!

Kim said...

YAY! I'll add you now!!!