Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Today was my first Mother's Day! It was a very nice day. I slept in, which, for me, didn't mean anything. I wake up when Devin wakes up and I usually can't fall back to sleep. But I did get to watch old reruns of Beverly Hills 90210 for 3 hours, so that was pretty cool! AND, I blew off the gym!

We visited my Mom and Dad for a bit, saw Greg and gave him his birthday present and then we went to dinner with Mike's Mom, Lennie and Mike's grandfather. I had filet mignon and lobster pie. YUM! Then we went back to Mike's grandfather's and we had birthday cake for me! We also took the baby for a nice walk to the park down the street and got some really great pictures of him on the swing!

All in all, it was a great day. It just makes me think back to last year this time. I was 9 months pregnant and nervous of what was to soon be my future. Now, a year later, I can't believe how big and grown up Devin's getting! He's turning into a little boy right before my very eyes. Man, I hope we get pregnant soon. I'm not ready for my little baby to be a little boy!

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