Sunday, May 18, 2008


We're having a baby!! I still can't believe it myself. But, it's not like we're surprised. We've been trying. I guess it's still shocking to "see" it say "PREGNANT". Here's the story.

On Friday, May 16th, there were a few of us on the message board "Trying to Conceive" on BabyCenter who were going to "POAS" (pee on a stick) to see if we were pregnant. I had one leftover Clearblue Easy test left, so my plan was to pee first thing in the morning and post my message saying if I was pregnant or not pregnant. So, after waiting the few minutes for the test to complete, the stupid thing went BLANK! I was so pissed!! I had to run to CVS during my lunch hour to get some more tests. The CVS digital brand was on sale, buy two get one free, so I have 3 packs (which equals 6 tests.)

I got home from work that night and took my test. It said "PREGNANT". OMG. I can't believe it! Mike was home and I showed the test to him. HE couldn't believe it either!!! But, we still wanted to take another test, so I waited until Saturday morning.

Yup, still pregnant!

Anyway, the due date is January 25th and I'm calling the doctor's office tomorrow to make my first appointment. Needless to say, we're both so excited!!

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