Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'm Not a Good Sick Person

So, I caught Mike's cold. And so did the baby. So, there's two of us sneezing, hacking and feeling absolutely crappy. Thanks Mike! You'd think that because I'm a Mom, the nurturing instinct would kick in and I'd be all over trying to make my little guy feel better. Yeah, not so much. Instead, I want to be the one who's taken care of. I want to be catered to. Yeah, and that so ain't happening.

To make matters worse, I'm pregnant and I can't take anything. Except Sudafed. Which totally sucks.

Pass me a tissue. Aw hell, bring me the box. And some OJ. And a blanket. I'm not a good sick person.


Bridget said...

Awww I am sorry! I hope you feel better soon!

Rae said...

Sorry you aren't feeling well! That's just how it is...the Wife/Mom takes care of everyone, but who takes care of her? At least that's how I feel! I just have to suck it up and deal with it. :)

Kim said...

Thanks ladies! I actually worked from home today, so it was nice to be in my PJs all day. Although, I still didn't rest as much as I wanted. Poor little guy is sneezing & hacking up a lung too! It's FUN! :)

The Garske's said...

Oh, that sucks! I hope you get to feeling better real soon!