Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Animal Sounds

Here's a video of Devin as he tries to make his animal sounds. Most of the sounds are coming from me and Mike, but Devin gets a few cute noises in there! It's really dark and my living room is really messy, so I apologize. This is the one room in the house where all of Devin's toys are scattered, so it's extremely cluttered. I can't WAIT until we can move into a bigger house!!


debbeblue said...

You do a seriously good chicken. I find your dog lacking in earnestness.

Jackie said...

That is so cute! You and Mike were cracking me up with your sounds! Devin is getting so big! Thanks for sharing!

Kim said...

Deb - I wasn't feeling the dog. But the chicken, now that's another story altogether.

Jackie - Hee hee! Glad you liked it!

The Garske's said...

Too funny! You should try cow! Madisynn loves doing MOOOOO!!!