Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Team Building

So, today, we had a little "team building" event at work where we got to go to a Red Sox game during the afternoon. Sweet! The Sox played Baltimore and were losing 4 - Zip until the 7th/8th inning where they caught up. They eventually won the game in the bottom of the 9th!

I love "team building"!!!


Jackie said...

Mike's team is playing the Triple A Sox right now! He's in Pawtucket (sp?). If you want tickets for tonight, let me know and I'll get them to you for free!

Kim said...

OMG Jackie!! You rock!!! I would LOVE to go, but I wouldn't be able to get a sitter tonight. I've been to a PawSox game and it was so much fun. I can't wait to take Devin to one when he's a bit older. Thanks again for the offer, Jackie!!

Jackie said...

OK, next year, you can take your hubby and both kids and have a blast! I'll have Mike leave you tickets at Will Call when they play the Yankees. Maybe I can go with him some time and we can all sit together. Can you imagine! Us and 4 kids? ha ha... SCARY!

Kim said...

That would be hysterical!!! Let's make it happen. Next year I'll see you in Rhode Island with our truckload of kids. Deal? LOL!