Saturday, January 10, 2009

No VBAC for me!

So, let's throw THAT out the window. At my appointment yesterday, my doctor pretty much informed me that he didn't think it was the best course of action to follow through with a trial of labor and VBAC due to the complications I had with my last c-section.

Am I sad? Yeah, kind of. But, I'm also kind of relieved in a weird way. At least I know that in 13 days, my baby will be here. And she'll be healthy and happy.

I just have to suck up the surgery thing. Oh, and I was making absolutely no progress in terms of going into labor on my own. What can I say? My kids like hanging out in my belly.


Jackie said...

sorry to hear you're not a contender for a VBAC. I know how special it would have been to experience a natural birth, but agree that as long as she's healthy, that's all that matters. My surgery is a week from today. I can't believe we're almost done!

3LittleFlowers said...

I cant wait to see picture of your new baby!!! I just everything went just great!!!!

BTW, I have something for you on my blog: