Thursday, January 8, 2009

I'm Having a Baby in 15 days...

What the hell? How did time go by so quickly without me knowing? I can't believe I'm having a child in TWO WEEKS. In case you haven't guessed already, it's really kind of freaking me out.

To be completely honest, I really haven't done all that much to prepare for this child. We have finally just figured out our 'birth day' contingency plan. If I have my scheduled c-section on 1/23, we'll drop Devin off at my Mom's and she'll bring Devin to the hospital on Saturday so that Mike's Mom can take him that night. On Sunday, Mike's Mom will drop him off at Susan's until we can pick him up on Tuesday, when I get out of the hospital. But, nothing's been ironed out for the 'what-if-I-go-into-labor-on-my-own' scenario. On Monday, when I was working from home, I felt a couple of contractions and I thought to myself "Wow, if I went into labor today, where would I drop Devin off?" Everyone I know is working. What the hell would I do? So, I've decided that I will not go into labor on Mondays. Let's just hope my body is listening!!!

And, seriously, if this pregnancy is aything like my last pregnancy, I won't be going into labor anytime soon. Although, things feel different this time and I really do think that things are going to happen sooner rather than later. But, I'm not a doctor and I have absolutely no scientific proof to back up my theory.

In any event, tomorrow is my 37 week appointment. I'm hoping the doctor will tell me if I'm making any progress towards labor. Even though I have a scheduled c-section I'm considering going for a VBAC if I should happen to go into labor on my own before then. We'll see. All I know is that in 15 days AT THE MOST, there will be a new baby in my family.

And I need to get ready!

1 comment:

3LittleFlowers said...

Im not sure what happened in your previous c/s, but I do want you to know that the second one it is always easier and the recovery is faster... I just think the body knows there is another child running around the house that you need to take care of... =)

Good luck!! Cant wait to "meet" her!