Friday, August 29, 2008

It's a....

Baby. Apparently that's all this baby wanted to show us. I wanted to find out the gender and Mike didn't, so at our ultrasound today, I asked the doctor if she could write down the gender and put it in an envelope. After a good 45 minutes of the very detailed ultrasound, the doctor couldn't tell if it was a boy or girl because the baby kept its legs closed tight! Can you believe it? Well, it must be a sign that I'm not meant to know. I guess I won't be spending any money on baby clothes until after the baby's born!


The Garske's said...

You have wilpower to not find out until the baby is born! I would be asking for another u/s ASAP :) I am not a patient person!! Good for you!

Kim said...

If I have another U/S, I think I'm still going to find out. But, I am not sure if I'm going to have another one. I don't remember from last time, isn't that horrible?? Also, if the u/s is very close to the due date, I might just skip it and wait for the surprise!! :)

Rae said...

It still looks like a girl to me! :)

Kim said...

Ha Ha Rae! You are all saying girl -- maybe I should head out now and start getting pink stuff!!! ;)

3LittleFlowers said...

I live overseas, and you can actually walk in for an ultrasound in here... So, I had several done for my last two pregnancies are we were living here... My middle girl didnt show the sex until I was almost at 30 weeks and that was killing me....

I know I lot of people who lie to get another U/S in the states... They say the baby is moving less than normal, or that they felt.. I dont know if you will do that, but it works for tons of people (even though the tons of hours you will spend in L&D suck!).... But is it worth it at the end....

Kim said...

That's good info to know! I'm going to see if we can have a 3rd trimester u/s scheduled sooner rather than later and I'll probably wait for that. Or I might just opt for the surprise! :)

3LittleFlowers said...

Im a planner.... And even though I will have love to find out while giving birth, I just need to have everything ready for the correct sex.... kwim?? But, I bet that nothing compares with how much your heart will race when you are giving birth and the OB says: It's A.... OMG!! That should be BIG!! :)