Thursday, August 21, 2008

18 Weeks Tomorrow

So, I'm 18 weeks pregnant tomorrow. I feel great and my belly is getting pretty big. It's making me a bit nervous because I've got 22 weeks left! I hope I don't get as big as last time, but whatever happens, happens.

The differences between this pregnancy and my last one are that I'm MUCH more hormonal this time around. I don't remember being like this with Devin. I also had morning sickness up until about week 11, but that's since dissipated and I feel pretty good now. The heartburn that I experienced the first time around is really not present now (Thank GOD!) I guess those are about the only differences this time around. I really should take some belly shots to document this pregnancy, but I've been so lazy! I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm chasing around a 14 month old! HA!!!

The "big" ultrasound is schduled for August 29th - which is 8 days away! We didn't find out the baby's gender the first time around, but this time I really want to know. Mike doesn't. But, I think I'm still going to find out. :)


Anonymous said...

Your pregnancy is a bit different because it's a GIRL! :) And yes, you should take some belly shots and put them up so we can see how cute you are! I can't wait for your u/s!

Kim said...

Aw Rae, you're so nice!! :)