Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Get to Know Devin

Ok, so I totally copied this from Rae & Jackie's blogs, but it seemed like fun! Thanks ladies!

Is Your Juner:
Eating with a fork? Nope!
Eating with a spoon? Not yet, but he's trying. He has to have a spoon in his hand when I feed him yogurt or cereal, so he can "help" me.
Fingers only? Oh yeah! Digs right in!
Favorite foods: Bananas, yogurt, carrots, peas, green beans, chicken, cheerios, grilled cheese, pasta, macaroni & cheese, french fries...and plenty more. He likes mostly everything!
Foods Little One dislikes: Hamburgers
Favorite toy: Mickey Mouse airplane walker, books! (yes, he LOVES to read his books), blocks, stacking rings and cups, fridge magnets, Leapfrog Fridge DJ, little football and Winnie the Pooh ball, Sing-along stage, and anything else that is technically NOT a toy! (same here!)
Favorite person: Mommy and Daddy!
Words that only you understand: Gah! (it used to be his wooden spoon, now it means "that" when he uses it with his index finger to point at an object)
Words that others can understand: Mama, Dada, Uh OH!
Is your Little One a climber? Yes! He loves to climb everything (stairs, toys, laps, couch, etc.)!
Does your Little One have a lot of hair? OH yeah, he was born with it and never lost it (and I had the heartburn to prove it!) He's had 2 haircuts!
Stats: height/weight: At his last Doctor’s appt, he was 23lbs 13oz & 31 inches long.
How many teeth? 4 (2 on top and 2 on bottom) and more coming through.
Do they like TV? He's captivated with Baby Einstein videos, which I use when I need to clip his nails.
What show(s)? Elmo, Baby Einstein, sometimes I put on the Good Night show on Sprout.
Do they like music? He likes it when I sing to him!
Favorite songs? Songs I've made up (Jumpy, Jumpy, Jumpy and Devin the Little Boy)
Are they a dancer? not so much
Do they have a temper? Yes – when he doesn’t get what he wants!
Do they throw things? He does once in a while
Do they hit? Not really.
Do they have tantrums? He’s had a few. He likes to drop to the floor and scream!
What do you do to stop the tantrum? We just walk away or ignore him until he’s done.
What do they do on a daily basis to make you laugh? He's trying to mimic everything we do and say. Today he was doing peekaboo by putting his hands to his face. When we laughed & clapped, he started clapping too! He also said "meow" exactly like I said it when I told him what a kitty said. He's so funny! When he laughs, I laugh. He's at a great stage right now.
Do they like to wear shoes or barefeet? He likes both.
Do they like to be outside? He LOVES to be outside! He loves to run on the beach, loves the swings at the playground, and especially loves playing in water.
Anything else you want to tell about or brag about? Devin is just such a great baby (or should I say little boy.) He's got a great disposition and he's just a funny kid! I can't wait to see what kind of person he grows up to be. My little man.

1 comment:

The Garske's said...

That is cool, I may have to steal it too! Sounds like you have a good little boy on your hands! I wish my child didn't hit :)