Saturday, August 23, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Photobucket(Honeymoon in Antigua)

Tuesday is our 2nd Wedding Anniversary. I am floored by this because so much has happened in the last two years. We are parents to a 14 month old little boy. We are expecting our 2nd baby in January. These two events would make you think that we've been married for much longer, but when it comes right down to it, technically we're still newlyweds! I mean, it's hard enough being a parent, but adjusting to parenthood on top of adjusting to being newly married brings its own level of difficulty. I think it's a testament to Mike and I that we've made it to where we are if you look at all of the extreme life changes we've gone through. So, Happy Anniversary baby! I love you!


Rae said...

Congratulations on your Anniversary! You were beautiful on your wedding day!

Kim said...

Aw, Rae! Thank you!! You are so sweet!!

Jackie said...

Kim - congratulations! We have even MORE in common. Mike and I will be celebrating our 2-year anniversary in September. We have a 14-month old and are expecting #2 in January. We NEED to meet up the next time I'm in the Boston area!

Kim said...

Girl, you better believe it! That is so funny ,we are living parallel lives!!

Next time you're in the area, definitely let me know! :)